Cirque Du Freak #3: Tunnels of Blood 《吸血侠达伦·山传奇#3:地下血道》 ISBN 9780316606080.

  • Cirque Du Freak #3: Tunnels of Blood 《吸血侠达伦·山传奇#3:地下血道》 ISBN 9780316606080.
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  • 货号:5de65686dd5c
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  • 语言:英文
  • 进口书分类:读物(童书)


Darren, the vampire's assistant, gets a taste of the city whenhe leaves the Cirque Du Freak with Evra the snake-boy and Mr.Crepsley. When corpses are discovered--corpses drained of blood--Darren and Evra are compelled to hunt down whatever foul creatureis committing such horrendous acts. Meanwhile, beneath the streets,evil stalks Darren and Evra, and all clues point to Mr. Crepsley.Can they escape, or are they doomed to perish in the tunnels ofblood@



Darren Shan was born in London but at an early age he moved toLimerick, Ireland, with his parents and younger brother. He grew upwatching old Dracula horror movies and reading spooky comics, whichwere the inspirations for this book. Tunnels of Blood isDarren Shan's third novel in The Saga of Darren Shan.

商品名称: Cirque Du Freak #3: Tunnels of Blood 《吸血侠达伦·山传奇#3:地下血道》 ISBN (咨询特价) 开本: 32开
作者: Darren Shan 著 定价: (咨询特价)
ISBN号: 80 出版时间: (咨询特价)-01
出版社: Hachette 印刷时间: (咨询特价)-01
版次: 1 印次: 1